You can Add a Layer from a File (to add an existing GIS data layer in a shapefile, GPS file or text file format).Return to the Details tab when you are finished editing.You can click the Edit tab to add or edit data later.Recommended: Use the basic Map Notes layer at first.You can Create an Editable Layer (to add custom points, lines, polygons, arrows.).You can Search for Layers to locate existing online data (either from ESRI's ArcGIS Online or from the Web).To add map data (on top of the basemap) use the Add drop down menu.NOTE: All basemaps have a limited scale range (beyond which they won't display) - different basemaps have different maximum scales (the Bing basemaps have some of the best resoulution, the Oceans basemap has much less detailed data, and the Streets and Topographic basemaps are in between.).NOTE: Basemaps have different levels of detail that will be displayed depending upon the scale of the map.Recommended: Bing Maps Road, Bing Maps Aerial, Light Gray, Open Street Map, Streets or Topographic.
your milage may vary.īasic steps for Making a Simple Map using
NOTE: This tutorial was created in Fall of 2011, is a relatively new, and rapidly changing, application. Maps can be created and viewed online via or via ArcGIS Explorer Online. provides quick and simple mapping and (very) basic GIS functionality for free.